Characteristics and Field Test of Bricks

Good Characteristics of Bricks and Field Test of Bricks

As a civil engineer, it’s very very important to know about the condition and characteristics of good brick and also what should be the function and what should be the property of that materials. As a site engineer you have to ensure that our brick is well or not, so how will this find out that this is only on a method, we can go for field tests were discussed below by using the procedure that civil engineers can easily do a field test for brick.

Field test of bricks

Sound Test
Take a brick. Strike it with hammer or strike with each other. If it clear ringing or metallic sound then it is good brick.

Hardness Test
Take a brick. Try to make on its surface by nail. If mark is possible then it is very hard and compact brick.

Shape and Size Test
The shape and size of the bricks should be standardized and the same. The bricks should be withdrawn from the group at random and stacked along their length width and height and measured whether they are all of the same shape and size.

Color Test
Brick color should be uniform and light all over the body.

Impact Test
Take two bricks and form T shape. Drop them from a height of 6 feet on more or less solid surface. If anyone of them break it is not a good brick.

Brick Works

First Class Brick Work
This consists of first class bricks in lime or cement mortar. All the material required should be first class quality.

Second Class Brick Work
This consist of second class bricks laid in lime or cement mortar.

Third Class Brick Work
This consist of third class bricks in mad mortar.

Characteristics of good bricks

When we are understanding about bricks then also have to know about the types of bricks that which types of bricks are available for construction work and also we have to know the characteristics of all other bricks and in which situation which types of brick will use for a structure it’s very important to know.

  •  The color, size and shape of Bricks should be uniform.
  • They should neither over burnt nor under burnt.
  • They should be sound and compact.
  • They should not absorb water more than 1/5th of its own weight.
  • The compressive strength of brick should be 5000-8000 psi.
  • The weight of single brick should be 6 lb.
  • Percentage of soluble salt should not exceed 0.5%.
  • They should have low thermal conductivity.
  • The weight per cubic ft should be not less than 125 lb.
  • They should be free form cracks and other flaws such as- air bubble.

Characteristics of 1st class bricks

  • A first class bricks is  well burnt and regular in shape.
  • Edges are shape and well defined.
  • It is sufficiently hard and sound.
  • Its surface is smooth, clean and free forms cracks.
  • When dropped from a height of 1 to 2 meters it should not break .
  • It has specific gravity of 1.8.
  • Water absorption should not be more than 1/6 of its weight.

Characteristics of 2nd class bricks

  • Well burnt but irregular shape and size.
  • It has a rough surface.
  • It has no free from lump and cracks.
  • It does not have a uniform color.
  • It has fire compact and uniform texture.

Characteristics of 3rd class bricks

  • It has a light yellowish color.
  • It is not well burnt.
  • It is soft.
  • It’s edges are irregular and quite rough.

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