Types of Bonds in Brick Masonry Wall

Types of Bonds in Brick Masonry Wall Construction and their Uses

Brick masonry is one of the oldest and most widely used construction techniques, known for its durability, strength, and aesthetic appeal. A crucial aspect of brick masonry is the bonding style used to interlock the bricks and provide stability to the walls.

In this blog post, we will explore various types of bonds in brick masonry wall construction and their specific uses, shedding light on the advantages and limitations of each.

A. Commonly Used Types of Bonds:

1. Stretcher bond

2. Header bond

3. English bond and

4. Flemish bond


Types of Bonds in Brick Masonry Wall

B. Other Types of bonds are:

1.. Facing bond

2. Dutch bond

3. English cross bond

4. Brick on edge bond

5. Raking bond

6. Zigzag bond

7. Garden wall bond


1. Stretcher Bond:

The stretcher bond, also known as the running bond, is the simplest and most common type of brick bond. In this pattern, bricks are laid with only their long, narrow faces (stretchers) visible, overlapping midway with the courses of bricks above and below. This bond is ideal for constructing half brick thick walls, such as partition walls. However, it is not recommended for full-width thick brick walls due to its limited bonding capability with adjacent bricks. Stretcher bonds are commonly used as the outer facing in steel or reinforced concrete framed structures and cavity walls.

2. Header Bond:

Header bond, also called heading bond, involves placing all bricks in each course as headers on the faces of the wall. The header is the shorter square face of the brick, and this bond is used for constructing walls with a full brick thickness. To achieve this bond, three-quarter brick bats are used in alternate courses as quoins, maintaining an overlap equal to half the width of the brick.

3. English Bond:

English bond consists of one course of stretchers followed by a course of headers, alternating in each row. The headers are centered on the stretchers in the course below, and each alternate row is vertically aligned. To break the continuity of vertical joints, quoin closers are used at the beginning and end of a wall after the first header. This bond provides good structural strength and a pleasing appearance on both faces of the wall.

4. Flemish Bond:

Flemish bond, also known as Dutch bond, is created by laying alternate headers and stretchers in a single course. The next course of bricks is laid such that the headers lie in the middle of the stretchers in the course below, resulting in a uniform and attractive pattern. Flemish bonds offer better aesthetics but are weaker than English bonds for load-bearing wall construction. They require skilled craftsmanship to align all vertical mortar joints properly.


  • Facing Bond:

Facing bond is employed for decorative purposes where the exposed face of the wall features a specific bond pattern, while the core of the wall uses a different bond for structural strength.

  • English Cross Bond:

English cross bond combines the regular English bond with a course of headers at certain intervals to improve stability.

  • Brick on Edge Bond:

Brick on edge bond involves laying bricks on their narrow edge, providing a thin wall with a striking appearance.

  • Raking Bond:

Raking bond is utilized for sloped or curved walls, where bricks are laid at an angle to follow the wall’s shape.

  • Zigzag Bond:

In zigzag bond, bricks are arranged diagonally in a zigzag pattern, giving an artistic touch to the wall.

  • Garden Wall Bond:

Garden wall bond is similar to English bond but uses fewer headers to reduce material costs while maintaining adequate strength for low walls.


The choice of the brick bond in masonry wall construction depends on the wall’s purpose, structural requirements, and aesthetic considerations. Each bond type offers distinct advantages and limitations, making them suitable for various applications.

Whether it’s the simplicity of stretcher bond or the elegance of Flemish bond, brick masonry remains a timeless construction method that continues to grace buildings with its timeless appeal and lasting durability.

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